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Unstoppable Vision
Matthew Levant
April 28th, 2019

Genesis 1:26-29; Revelation 21:1-6, 22:1-5
God created people to display His glory by enjoying His presence. When humanity rebelled, God immediately put His Plan of Renewal into motion. God’s purpose is unstoppable. He is renewing and gathering His people together so that we can fulfill our purpose. In light of who God is, Renewal Church has an unstoppable vision: To bring God’s renewal to Bell County and the world.
Unstoppable Mission
Matthew Levant
May 5th, 2019

2 Corinthians 5:14-21
The Mission of God—to rescue His people from their sin and bring them back into His presence—is a theme that runs throughout the OT and culminates with Jesus. the mission is unstoppable. Our shame, guilt, and fear are no match for the Savior. Renewal Church exists so that people will be made new in Jesus, grow in Jesus, and be released into the world for Jesus (Mission Statement explained from 2 Cor 5:14-21). We have an unstoppable mission.
Unstoppable Savior
Matthew Levant
May 12th, 2019 (Audio Only)

Revelation 5:1-14
Satan has been trying to stop the Messiah’s coming ever since God made the promise in Genesis 3:15. The entire OT points to this truth. The Serpent thought he had finally won the victory when Jesus was buried, but little did he know that Jesus’ death was the means for accomplishing the mission. The grave could not stop the Savior. We have an unstoppable Savior. Revelation 5 displays just a glimpse of Jesus’ infinite glory. This gives us great hope and strength to give our lives to His mission.
Unstoppable Kingdom
Matthew Levant
May 19th, 2019 (Audio Only)

1 Peter 2:9-10
God has been at work establishing a Kingdom for His glory from the beginning of Creation (“dominion” in Gen 1:26 and promise of the “scepter never departing from Judah” in Gen 49:10). Being redeemed is being connected to being a member of God’s Kingdom (Exodus 19:4-6). King David was the prototype Messiah that was promised to have a descendent rule over God’s people for eternity (2 Samuel 7:13). The prophets promised a King would one day come to defeat the enemy, restore God’s people, and bring us back into the Garden. Jesus has an unstoppable Kingdom. As members of this Kingdom, we are sent by the King to expand the borders so that more people can leave the domain of darkness and be brought into the kingdom of light.
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