Renewed for Mission

Renewed for Mission
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    “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face to shine upon us, that your way may be known on earth, your saving power among all nations. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you!” Psalm 67:1–3

    From Genesis to Revelation there is a thread. A thread that connects every story, character and plot line into one grand story. It is the story of God’s glory among the nations. At the end of all things, God will be glorified in every people and tongue in the world, but the end of all things is not here yet. The task that God has given us has not been completed. God has ordained that in His unfolding plan of redemption the church would go forth to make disciples of all nations. He not only saves us from our sin, but sends us forth in His mission. The things we cared about, pursued and loved before we knew Christ are forever changed for the purposes of Christ.

The Thread of Mission
Colton White
April 25th, 2021

Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:45-47, John 20:21, Acts 1:8
When you think of missions in the Bible what verses come to mind? Many Christians find it difficult to identify more than the Great Commission in Matthew 28. Mission is not something that the Bible mentions in a few places, but rather mission is what the Bible is about. From Genesis to Revelation we see God’s mission in action. Every book and story are all connected to one mission and purpose: The fame of God’s name among the nations.
The Fuel for Mission
Matthew Levant
May 2nd, 2021

Psalm 96
Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. The story of the Bible is not a list of do’s and don’ts or a guide to morality. The story of the Bible is the story of God’s glory among the nations. God’s glory is not only the goal of missions, but it is also the fuel. If the church is to see success in the mission God has given us, it will not be because of a better strategy. It will be because our only aim is the glory of God. He is worthy of the worship of all nations.
An Urgent Mission
Colton White & Matthew Levant
May 9th, 2021

Matthew 24:14
At this very moment, there are billions of people worshiping false gods and idols who are not worthy of their worship. The task of bringing the gospel to all nations will not be complete until all nations have heard of the good news of Jesus Christ. There are over 3.6 billion unreached people in the world today. Of those 3.6 billion people, 88% live in or near the “10/40 Window.” The task of making disciples of all nations may seem overwhelming, but we have a great God who is sovereign over every single person on the globe. He is inviting us to be part of His grand plan to make His name known.
The Rhythm of Mission
Colton White
May 16th, 2021

1 Corinthians 9:19-23
We all have a rhythm in which we live our lives. Things we do, places we go, things we care about. But the question that we have to ask is, does the rhythm in which we live our lives match God’s rhythm? What is God’s rhythm? If we look at the Bible we see that God cares about His name being glorified by restoring and renewing His people. Our rhythm of life should be no different. What does it look like then to live our lives in a rhythm of mission?
Set Apart for Mission
Colton White
May 23rd, 2021

Romans 12:2,1 Peter 2:11-12
The Bible describes the Christian as a “sojourner” or an “exile.” We are called to not “be conformed to the world,” so the question is, how do we interact with a world that we do not belong to? How does the church love the world with the love of Christ without becoming like the world? It is important to remember that this world is not our home, but Jesus has called us to be a light to this world. That, however, sounds a lot simpler than it is. The desires of our flesh wants us to love this world, but the Spirit wants to remind us that we belong to Jesus.
The Church on Mission
Matthew Levant
May 30th, 2021

Romans 10:13-15
What does it mean to be called by God to be part of His mission? Many times we wait for God to audibly speak to us or to see a cloud shaped like a certain country. Yet the reality is that God calls all His people to mission throughout the Scriptures. God’s mission is not optional, and it is not only for “missionaries” by trade. So what are the ways we can participate in God’s mission? God calls the church to go, to send, and to pray.
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